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Ash Tree Removal

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Ash trees in the Kansas City area are at risk of being invaded by the emerald ash borer beetle (EAB). the EAB is a beetle that found its way to the United States in Michigan from Asia in June of 2002. Since then, over 20 million trees in 35 states have been severely affected. The invasion became so bad, the USDA declared the EAB as an invasive species and even created quarantine regulations surrounding ash trees and the distribution of firewood.

Do you have an ash tree in your yard? It’s best to get it removed immediately before it becomes too damaged! The longer an ash tree has been infected, the less safe it is to climb or remove it which can end up costing more in the future!

Fill out the form below to schedule your FREE estimate and receive 20% OFF your removal!

Get Your Ash Tree Removed

Dying Ash Tree Removal

Emerald Ash Borer

The USDA has declared the Emerald Ash Borer beetle and invasive species. The beetle burrows and digs through the trees, eventually leaving the trees to die.

Potential Eye Sores

After ash borers have made their home in ash trees, the leaves start to die and eventually the tree begins to rot from the inside out.

Ash Trees At Risk

More than 20 million trees have been affected in 35 states since migrating over from Asia in 2002.

Safer to Remove Immediately

Because trees begin to rot from the inside out, removing these trees later on during the infection becomes a safety risk and may be more costly to remove in the future, especially larger trees.

Schedule for a FREE Ash Tree Removal Estimate Below!
